This beautiful workshop brings an introduction to the Angels & how to connect with them. It provides the tools to begin a wonderful journey where the Angels are able to constantly assist in your daily life, bringing guidance, love, peace, protection, happiness, abundance, healing, many blessings, following your divine life’s purpose & much more
- Who & what are Angels
- The Angelic Hierarchy
- The Archangels- who are they? Their attributes & how they can help us.
- Signs you know the Angels are with you
- How to connect with the Angels
- Connecting with your Guardian Angel
- Angelic meditations - Experience a connection with Archangel Michael & other Archangels in meditation.
- How Angels can assist in healing ourselves & others
- Auric fields
- Angel essences - What are they? - How do they work?
- An aura video showing my auric field when connecting to the Angels with an Angel Essence
- Everything is energy
- Feeling energy
- Using crystals to connect to the Angels
- My personal journey & experiences with the Angels.
This is a fabulous workshop for anyone interested in or feeling drawn to the Angels who may be looking for guidance on how to begin connecting with them. This can be a very exciting journey once you allow them into your lives
VENUE; Brook House, St Neots
DATE ; 12/02/23
TIME ; 1.00 - 5,00pm
Refreshments included - Decaf Tea & coffee, Herbal teas, water, snacks.
Many Angel blessings
Mel Ford
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