Archangels & Divine Guides
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The angel of healing, love and unity.
He/she gives healing to our mind, body and spirit, can guide us to heal ourselves, maintain health and can free us from addictions.
Angel of protection, truth, strength and courage.
He shields us from negative energies, cuts the energetic ties from anything which no longer serves us, releases fears and fills us with courage, strength &

The angel of forgiveness, transformation and transmutation. St germain works with Archangel Zadkiel to cleanse us with the violet flame to
transmute negative energies into positive energies.
The angel of peace, clarity, service and devotion.
Archangel Uriel connects us to the divine filling us with confidence to allow our light to shine brightly & follow your divine life’s purpose. Brings global healing & assists in minimizing trauma from natural disasters.

The angel of the earth, music, the arts, prayer and ascension. He delivers prayers to God, assists in healing and protecting the earth and helps
balance and ground our energies within our spiritual practice.

Archangel Tzaphkiel is the angel of Gods knowledge. His colour is lilac. He brings peace to the mind & soul, helps to overcome addictions and move you
forward on your spiritual journey. He helps you with meditation & establishing a regular practice, connects you to God and the angels to allow you to receive and follow higher guidance.

The angel of prophecy, strength and purification.
Archangel Gabriel can assist with all our relationships, bring creativity into our lives, she works closely with children from conception, pregnancy and birth onwards and can cleanse and purify our energies.

Archangel Jophiel is the angel of beauty, happiness, joy and laughter. Jophiel can beautify our lives, our minds, bodies, spirits and our relationships. She connects us with the divine within ourselves helping us to follow our higher guidance, opens and guides our creativity, assists us in business which involves our divine life’s purpose work, removes negativity, uplift us into a positive frame of mind and is the feng shui angel who helps us clear the old to bring in the new.
Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel is the angel of ancient knowledge & wisdom. He clears blocks from the mind, body, spirit, the chakras & the energy bodies, he helps you move
forward on your spiritual path & increases your spiritual gifts.

Archangel Haniel
Archangel Haniel is the angel of joy. She connects us to the moons cycles, connects with the throat chakra, gives deep emotional healing, increases psychic
abilities & assists in manifesting abundance on every level – health, wealth, happiness.
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is the highest of all the Archangels & oversees them all. He is the angel of sacred geometry & brings symbols & shapes to work with in our meditations & healing. He brings very deep cleansing, healing & very strong

Archangel Chamuel,
Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love. She works with the Seraphim angels who are the highest of all the angels. She assists us with all our relationships, opens our hearts to the giving & receiving of love & compassion & helps us to understand oness.
Goddess Isis
Goddess Isis radiates pure divine mother energy. She assists mothers in nurturing their children, brings very powerful healing, protection, ancient
knowledge, wisdom & magic.

Archangel Azrael
Archangel Azrael is the angel of transition. He brings in the light to take away the darkness. He assists in souls crossing over into the light, brings great
comfort & support to those who are grieving. He also helps with any transition in life such as a new job, relationship, a move or a spiritual shift.

The Unicorns
The Unicorns have such a pure, joyful, high vibrational energy. They bring deep
healing to past & past life trauma, healing & assistance to children, healing to
the inner child, deep love & compassion.
Mother Mary
Divine Mother, assists with healing, nurturing, love, intuition, compassion. She
is the mother of all mothers, opens & heals our hearts, helps us through times of hardship, distress & loss, connection to divine love & guidance & faith in the
divine plan. She bring strength, loyalty & protection.

Lord Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus is regarded by some as an Ascended master & assists us on our
journey of ascension. He is able to bring great teachings, ancient knowledge &
wisdom, healing & self realization.