This is a 3 day course, often run over a Friday, Saturday & Sunday
The dates for the course: 6th, 7th & 8th October 23
This course follows on from the 1 & 2 practitioners course and allows you to become a teacher of angelic reiki. It includes attunements and meditation to increase and heighten your angelic connection to enable you to hold a sacred space to pass this healing method on and attune people to this level. It is a powerful experience and awakens the divine within. Participates receive a wave of love emanating from the heart of the galaxy.
This course includes:
Revisiting healing techniques taught in level 1 & 2 workshop
Healing with eye contact as used in Atlantis
Healing with Soul group energies
healing with the divine presence
13 symbols which are a gateway to multi-dimensional healing, activated to angelic level through the 7 levels of form and divine form by Archangel Metatron
Healing practice sessions
Full attunement to Angelic reiki 3rd and 4th degree levels
Advice on how to teach angelic reiki workshops and to facilitate Angelic reiki attunements
A comprehensive master teacher manual
Certificate of training achievements to 3rd and 4th degree Angelic reiki
Duration: This course is taught over 3 days, often run over a Friday, Saturday and Sunday between the hours of 10:00am and 5:00pm.